
What's New in Vista 3 R3
August 19, 2020 15:45
Vista 3 R3 is almost here!
Join Vista by Chroma-Q experts for a special webinar to discover What's New in Vista 3 R3.
Embraced by leading designers, production companies, and venues around the world, Vista lets users focus on creating great-looking shows whilst still providing the power to control the finest details.
"What's new in Vista 3 R3"
Thursday, August 27th
This webinar aims to showcase all of the new features and changes in the upcoming release of Vista 3 R3.
R3 contains over 150 improvements and new features. Join Vista by Chroma-Q experts as they guide you through the highlights, including a new user-configurable, main application, workspace. New FX engine parameters, additional inserted commands, flash & decay cue times and so much more
Duration 60 min
August 27, 1:30pm BST (7:30am CDT)
Click here for more information and to register
August 27, 1:30pm CDT (7:30PM BST)
Click here for more information and to register
For further information please contact:
Connect with other Vista 3 users on the Vista forum.
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